Princess Peyton

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

33 weeks Check up

OMG.... it started raining around 4+ pm and by the time David & I left the office it was still raining and horrible jam. By the time we arrive at the clinic it was already 7.30pm and doc was seeing patient number 10...... and I am patient number 36 (Gosh).

So no choice, went for dinner and came back, still had to wait for around half hour even though we have spend one hour for dinner...... so wait wait wait.....

It's my turn at last, the nurse called my name but before I can response to it, she already call out another name.... wow, they are seriously in a rush.... trying to rush all the pregnant women to walk faster... hmmmm ????

Anyway at last my turn AGAIN, bp was fine, baby Peyton as usual facing backwards showing us her back. Her head is fully turned down with her buttocks & legs on tops sidewards.

Peyton is now weighing at 2.1 kg = 4.63lbs and mummy have gain weight again.... now weighing 57.4kg.

So our next check up would be after CNY around 36 weeks........ :) Will have more updates by then !!!


Amir Ridhwan said...

so sweet. hopefully she will be very healthy and as pretty as her mom.

Jennifer Kot said...

Haha..... thanks thanks, am hoping that she will look like me too :P but most important good health & she can be easily born through natural birth.

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