11 March 2010, Thursday at 8am, David & I went to the hospital to get admitted for induce labour. Around 9.15am I was placed with the drip already......around 4 hours later the first bag of drip has finished and I was only 3cm dilated. GOSH.....
So here come the second bag of drip, so here we go again...... Wait, Wait & this time a little pain, Wait & Wait & Pain & Pain........ and OH NO........ second bag of drip is finishing soon and I was told I'm only dilated 6cm....... The nurse told David that 50% I would have to go for operation already.
Around 7pm, nurses called my gynae to seek permission for putting the third bag of drip & here we go the third bag BUT this time, the major pain starts when I started dilating up till 7cm......
PAIN KILLER......... but was told its too late to have any of it, so I was given the gas only which I call it the Laughing Gas cos it makes you drowsy & tired but will NOT take away the pain.
Here comes the worst part..... dilated till around 8 - 9cm and you keep wanting to push, the contraction keeps coming every 1-2 minutes and the contraction last longer already BUT was told NOT TO PUSH, NOT READY......... AIYOOOOOOO !!!!!!
At around 9+ pm I guess..... too pain to tell the time already.... hehe :P The midwife, told me I can now start pushing. Placed me in a very uncomfortable position & asked me to push....... so PUSH, PUSH & more PUSH.......
Then only its time to call the gynae, he came, help me with the pushing but at last needed the vacuum help too....... after another few pushes with the vacuum help....... Poop...... Peyton was born & was placed on my belly with her starting to cry.......
I was so glad but super tired & still super drowsy from the gas & out of breath cos our dear girl came out with her face up, that is why it is so much difficult to have her head out......
Baby Peyton was born at 9.40pm....... mummy was in labour for almost 13 hours...... & lucky thing daddy was around mummy the whole time..... :)
Welcome to the world Peyton !!!!
Hello world!
3 years ago
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