Princess Peyton

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

It's a Girl !!!!

Am very lucky that the doctor came a little late today and the clinic open a little late today too so I was the fourth in line (phew at last no need to wait so long)...... as usual went and took my weight, Gosh am weighing 51.6kg already, increase by 8 kg from my original weight..... I wonder how fast I can drop those back and back in shape after birth..... ?????

Our precious baby all healthy and good, saw the little one's mouth opening and closing too :P and then at last...... doctor told us both that confirm and congrats...... IT'S A BABY GIRL !!!!

Finally, daddy & mummy get to know that we are expecting a beautiful princess. We can now go get some pinky & girly sweet stuff for baby.

We can now stop calling our precious one "Baby", instead she will be called "Peyton Soo"....... Er.... as for chinese name "No Idea Yet" ????


Joyce said...

congratulations!!! lets bring out the pink tutus!!! (",)

Unknown said...

Peyton, any story behind the name?

Jennifer Kot said...

Erm.... well Peyton does mean something but then not too sure what it means already.... hehe but then it sounds really nice and also I find it pretty unique and not many people using it, that's why I choose Peyton lo.

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